% Publications in refs/btfVis.bib % Encoding: UTF-8 @ARTICLE{mueller06datadriven, author = {M{\"u}ller, G. and Sarlette, R. and Klein, R.}, editor = {Gr{\"o}ller, E. and Szirmay-Kalos, L.}, title = {Data-driven Local Coordinate Systems for Image-Based Rendering}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, year = {2006}, month = {September}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing}, organization = {Eurographics Association}, conference = {Eurographics 2006}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/aigaion2root/attachments/mueller-2006-data-driven.pdf} } @InProceedings{magda06reconstruction, author = "Magda, S. and Kriegman, D.", title = "Reconstruction of Volumetric Surface Textures for Real-Time Rendering", year = "2006", booktitle = "17th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2003", pages = "19--30", bibdate = {2010-10-08}, url = "http://vision.ucsd.edu/kriegman-grp/papers/egsr06.pdf" } @InProceedings{neubeck053D, author = {A. Neubeck and A. Zalesny and L. Van Gool}, title = {3D Texture Reconstruction from Extensive BTF Data}, booktitle = {Texture 2005 Workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2005}, year = {2005}, month = {October}, pages = {13--19}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {ftp://ftp.vision.ee.ethz.ch/publications/proceedings/eth_biwi_00375.pdf} } @InProceedings{ma05level, title = "Level-of-detail representation of bidirectional texture functions for real-time rendering", author = "Wan-Chun Ma and Sung-Hsiang Chao and Yu-Ting Tseng and Yung-Yu Chuang and Chun-Fa Chang and Bing-Yu Chen and Ming Ouhyoung", booktitle = "SI3D", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3{D} Graphics, {SI3D} 2005, April 3-6, 2005, Washington, {DC}, {USA}", publisher = "ACM", year = "2005", editor = "Anselmo Lastra and Marc Olano and David P. Luebke and Hanspeter Pfister", ISBN = "1-59593-013-2", pages = "187--194", bibdate = {2010-10-08}, URL = "http://graphics.im.ntu.edu.tw/docs/i3d05fu.pdf", } @inproceedings{meseth04memory, author = {Meseth, J. and Klein, R.}, editor = {Girod, B. and Magnor, M. and Seidel, H.-P.}, title = {Memory Efficient Billboard Clouds for BTF Textured Objects}, booktitle = {Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2004}, year = {2004}, month = {November}, publisher = {Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Berlin}, pages = {167--174}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/aigaion2root/attachments/meseth-2004-memory.pdf} } @Article{zhou05decorating, title = "Decorating Surfaces with Bidirectional Texture Functions", author = "Zhou, K. and Du, P. and Wang, L. and Matsushita, Y. and Shi, J. and Guo, B. and Shum, H.Y.", journal = "IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph", year = "2005", number = "5", volume = "11", pages = "519--528", bibdate = {2010-10-08}, url = "http://www.kunzhou.net/publications/BTF-tvcg.pdf" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mueller04environmental, author = {M{\"u}ller, G. and Meseth, J. and Klein, R.}, title = {Fast Environmental Lighting for Local-PCA Encoded BTFs}, booktitle = {Computer Graphics International 2004 (CGI 2004)}, year = {2004}, month = {June}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, pages = {198--205}, issn = {1530-1052}, isbn = {0-7695-2171-1}, conference = {Computer Graphics International 2004 (CGI 2004)}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/aigaion2root/attachments/mueller-2004-environmental.pdf} } @ARTICLE{meseth04reflectance, author = {Meseth, J. and M{\"u}ller, G. and Klein, R.}, editor = {Reiners, D. and Fellner, D. and Klein, R. and Kautz, J.}, title = {Reflectance Field based real-time, high-quality Rendering of Bidirectional Texture Functions}, journal = {Computers and Graphics}, volume = {28}, number = {1}, year = {2004}, month = {February}, pages = {103--112}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {0097-8493}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/aigaion2root/attachments/meseth-2004-reflectance.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{meseth03btf, author = {Meseth, J. and M{\"u}ller, G. and Sattler, M. and Klein, R.}, title = {BTF Rendering for Virtual Environments}, booktitle = {Virtual Concepts 2003}, year = {2003}, month = {November}, pages = {356--363}, conference = {Virtual Concepts 2003}, bibdate = {2010-10-08}, comment = {project page}, url = {http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/aigaion2root/attachments/meseth-2003-btf.pdf} }